Donart (Donut cart) is a racing game, where two players could add different things (toppings) to the donut track and then race.

In the "MainMenu" scene, you can select what you want in the donut track. You can choose from none to all of them.

  • Chocolate Bump: Brown static bump staying at a random position on the surface of the donut track.
  • Melon Slide: Green "accelerator" appears and rotates at a random position within the donut track. It will accelerate cars passing through it.
  • Cherry Boom: Pink booms, appearing and moving at a random position on the surface of the donut track. It will burst and impact all cars with the explosion range, and then appear somewhere else.

Main Menu

Main Menu

There are two cars in this racing game, a black car "Night" and a white car "Day". In the single-player mode, player will be signed with one of the car randomly, and the other one will be controlled by AI. While in the double player mode, player will control both of the two cars.

In the "Game" scene, there is a top-down view of the whole track and the view(s) of the player(s) in the lower half of the screen.

Single-Player Mode Layout

Single-Player Mode Layout

Double-Player Mode Layout

Double-Player Mode Layout

The black car for Player 1 and the white car for Player 2 will be initialized at the left and right parts inside of the donut track. The black car should go clockwise while the white car should go counterclockwise.

There is also a green arrow for each car, indicating the correct direction the car should go.

In Game layout

In Game layout

The racing starts right away when the scene is loaded. the time starts counting as well.Since the track is a circle, the progress for each car is counted in degrees from its initial position to its current position.

The number of completed rounds is also counted for each car.

In Game UI

In Game UI

By pressing WASD and up, down, left, right arrow, try your best to avoid the bumps, catch the slides, recover balance after being blown away from the booms, and complete more rounds as fast as you can.

Chaotic but fun

Chaotic but fun

You can also press the Esc key to pause the game.

Pause panel

Pause panel

When both players have completed a certain number of rounds (for now 3), results will be shown, and who finished faster is the winner. And then you can choose to rematch or go back to the main menu.

Result Panel

Result Pane

For more information, please check the full README in this GitHub repo:

Development log

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